Linten Technologies

Backing up your data with the ‘3-2-1’ rule

Backing up your data with the ‘3-2-1’ rule

Accidents, disasters, cybercrime… There are a number of reasons why backing up business data is important. Cloud Technology has revolutionised backup, keeping data secure and available.

Our lives are run by data

We have an endless amount of information at our fingertips in this digital and data-driven world. Technology never stops evolving and the amount of data we produce is growing at an exponential rate. While technology itself may seem to be evermore complicated, there’s no doubt that it’s helped simplify the lives we live.

What would you do without data?

Quite simply, many of our lives would be at a standstill if we were to lose the information that is important to us on a day-to-day basis… and from a business perspective, the outcome would most likely be catastrophic. But not all is doom and gloom as there is a way you can ensure your data is never lost. Master the ‘3-2-1’ rule of backing up your data and you’ll always have a recovery solution to fall back on.

Why should you back up your data?

The principles of backing up your data are simple: it’s about having multiple spare copies of your files in different locations should the original get lost, damaged or compromised.

Data loss can occur in a variety of different ways including accidental deletion, drink spillages, hardware/software failures, theft and computer viruses. With the recent rise of cybercrime, more and more businesses are revisiting their cyber security strategy to ensure they have a solid plan in place to protect themselves from attack.

Quite often, we focus on preventative measures – to stop a cyber breach from occurring in the first place – and overlook backup strategies. With 95% of cyber breaches occurring due to human error, it would be extremely short-sighted to ignore your backup strategy

What does 3-2-1 entail?

The 3-2-1 backup rule has been the industry standard for some time now and it’s still as important today as it was when the rule was first conceived. 

We believe that businesses should be going even further than the 3-2-1 rule when creating a backup strategy. Organisations requiring enterprise-level backup and recovery solutions will follow the 3-2-1-1-0 rule.

  • Three – copies of your data are the minimum recommended amount to ensure that recovery is possible in the event of data loss.
  • Two – different types of media storage are recommended when backing up your files. For example, you could use a variety of internal hard disk drives, cloud storage, removable media, etc…
  • One – copy of your data in an offsite location. Cloud storage is our recommended solution.

At Linten, we recommend all businesses adopt a further level of comprehensive backup and recovery.

  • One – copy of your data in an offline location. If a hacker was to access your online environment, they would potentially have access to all online backups. Storing offline copies of your data would give you a recovery solution in this situation.
  • Zero – errors after your backup recovery verification. Most backup strategies require continuous monitoring to ensure that the recovery of data will be seamless.
It’s as easy as 3-2-1… if you want to learn more about backups or have a review of your current solution, all it takes is a quick call, email or online form fill and we’ll be right in touch.

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