Linten Technologies

Frequently asked questions about cloud computing

Frequently asked questions about cloud computing

Cloud computing is a technology that enables users to access and store data, run applications, and manage resources over the internet, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud technology has revolutionised businesses to meeting modern day workplace demands. Yet it can be confusing to know what cloud services and solutions are right for you business, and how to build an optimised and secure infrastrcuture. Here are some frequently asked questions the Linten Technologies team answer for customers wanting to understand cloud computing better.

Cloud computing is the process of using a network of remote servers rather than on-premise servers to store, manage and process business data. This greatly reduces the amount of hardware needed to maintain the network as it is stored off-site.

What are the benefits of a cloud infrastructure?

Regardless of the size or industry of a business, there are many reasons why building a cloud infrastructure is beneficial. Cloud services offer availability of data and provide a platform for staff to collaborate, no matter where they are working from. Businesses can also benefit from the flexibility of cloud services and the ease of scalability to support workforce demands.

What is cloud-based telecommunications for business?

When faced with one of the biggest digital challenges we have seen in recent years, the benefits of cloud-based instant messaging and video calls have made a powerful contribution to how businesses operate away from the office. Microsoft Teams is a great example of how the cloud has provided a platform for modern-day communications. The application can be used on any device making it agile, giving workforces freedom to work on the go.

Hosted phones (VoIP) have also been a go-to cloud-based telecommunication option for businesses for similar reasons. It offers agility for businesses meaning workforces can take, make, and transfer work calls from any device. This has meant businesses are now ditching the traditional analogue phones for VoIP. This transition also has huge cost savings with cheaper calls and less equipment required. Businesses that have not yet transitioned will need to by 2025 as the big UK switch from analogue to digital has already commenced.

Why should I work with a managed IT service provider when building my business’s cloud infrastructure?

Many cloud services and solutions are available to buy ‘off-the-shelf’, but they can be difficult to set up and roll out to members of the team. Businesses that have little or no internal IT knowledge can experience multiple issues when cloud applications do not work effectively with their hosted desktops or other applications. The more issues experience, the less productive your workforce can be.

Also, not correctly configuring cloud services can introduce multiple security vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited by cybercriminals. Working with cloud specialists like Linten Technologies will give you peace of mind that your cloud solutions are configured specifically for your business.

Are there more security risks when using cloud technology?

Cloud services increase the availability of data, making it a favoured option for businesses who require staff to use multiple devices, work remotely, or on the go. This availability does mean that if accounts are not properly secured, cybercriminals can compromise them leading to a data breach. Accounts can be susceptible to human negligence also if access is not monitored.

Businesses should not be put off using cloud services because of security risks. Instead, they should invest in securing them correctly. Working with a trusted IT partner to help build your cyber resilience will mean you are taking the right steps to keeping your data protected.

How can cloud storage help my business recover from a cyber-attack?

Cyber-attacks like ransomware can have devastating consequences on data availability. Cloud storage means important business data is stored off-site in multiple data centres. This provides assurance that data is accessible when needed, and so can help businesses to recover more quickly.

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