Linten Technologies

Does your MSP really work hard for you?

Does your MSP really work hard for you?

Is your current MSP genuinely dedicated to your success? Explore the signs of a committed partnership – MSPs that deliver more than just services.

Managed Service Providers

Managed services account for the very backbone of so many businesses. While people are at the heart of a workplace, it’s the infrastructure that keeps the heart beating. Computers, telephone systems, IT networks… they all need to work reliably and efficiently for organisations to function.

The concept of a managed services provider (or an MSP, for short) isn’t a new one. Rather than having a designated employee to look after your technical needs, it’s often more cost-effective and more technically sound to outsource the delivery of technical services, provision of support and the procurement of your hardware to a third party. 

The different types of Managed Service Providers

However, not all MSPs are created equal. Some fit the description of ‘tech support’ to the letter: these providers are reactive by nature and will only respond to a client brief without interrogating the need behind a request. And that’s fine if a business genuinely has the most basic of needs and isn’t concerned with better processes, more efficiencies and top-tier security.

Other MSPs have grown into more strategic partners for their clients; acting with more impartiality, in a client-first way, assessing the needs of a given business and making the right recommendations for growth, scale and success. When it comes to software, the best MSPs tend to have a breadth and depth of knowledge around what to provide, meaning that their advice is better informed and far better placed to help their clients evolve.

At Linten, we work with our clients to keep their technical plates spinning, all while advising on better processes, products and solutions for the future of their businesses. This means that we can:

  • Review your existing tech infrastructure and highlight where improvements can be made
  • Assist with the purchase of the best software, which offers the best value to your organisation
  • Advise on the best hardware for upgrades, from computers to telephone systems
  • Purchase or lease the right hardware on your behalf, making sure that the physical kit in your business is appropriate for its intended use
  • Tighten up your cyber security measures

And we never knowingly oversell to any of our clients. If we believe something you use, subscribe to or are considering renewing is actually costing you more than it ought to, we’ll advise accordingly.

Our approach

  • Tell you about problems when they’re already working on the solution?
  • Keep in touch regularly (or just at contract renewal time)?
  • Ask questions about your business, its opportunities and your plans for growth?
  • Suggest new solutions and products that can better service your business?
  • Highlight where efficiencies and cost savings can be made?

If you answered yes to all of the above, congratulations, you have a great partner in your current MSP! But if you’re left feeling disappointed, it may be time to consider a better relationship with a new partner. All it takes is a quick call, email or online form fill and we’ll be right in touch.

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