IT consultancy services

We’ll help your business stay ahead of the curve and succeed in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Working closely with you...

We’ll assess your current technology infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and develop a comprehensive plan to implement the latest tools and techniques for the most effective operations. Unlock your full potential and achieve long-term success with:

Change & transformation

We’ll help you choose the right technology for your business, developing a plan to optimise your technology investments.

Technology audit

We’ll conduct a thorough business IT audit of your current technology infrastructure, identifying areas of strength and weakness, and providing actionable recommendations for improvement.

Technology discovery

We’ll develop a comprehensive technology strategy that aligns with your business goals and objectives – and we’ll provide ongoing IT consultancy to ensure your success. 

Technology roadmapping

We’ll set a clear roadmap, which will identify key opportunities and potential obstacles, keeping you ahead of your competition.

Cyber strategies

We help businesses strengthen their cyber security resilience and safeguard their digital assets. Leading with an IT security audit, we’ll work closely with you to ensure that your organisation is fully prepared to mitigate risks and respond quickly to any potential threats

Implementation & project management

With our expert guidance and support, you can seamlessly integrate new technologies into your existing infrastructure, streamline your processes and achieve your business goals with speed and efficiency.

Two colleagues in a glass walled meeting room having a conversation.

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Featured case studies

Switching Providers


Finding a new IT provider can be daunting, Find out why Kitchenwide chose Linten Technologies to support them with all

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